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Xiaozhou Liao was born in Chengdu in 1995 and graduated from the Central Academy of Drama Beijing with a bachelor's degree in stage design and is now studying at the Kusntakademie Düsseldorf, Germany. With a background of growing up in a cultural and industrial troupe, he never defines himself as a typical stage designer, but always deconstructs the text in his stage works by combining the everyday and the political, and is keen to express his understanding of contemporary space and his critique of neoliberalism through different media. During his stay in Germany, Liao was actively involved in the behind-the-scenes work of the theater, and recently won the first prize in the Oval Office Space Design Competition in Schauspielhaus Bochum, Germany. In the same year he was named “Emerging Artist of the Year“at UCCA Beijing 2022 and won“ the Best Creative Award”.
His works during his stay in Germany include: Warten auf Godot ( 2023, Folkwang Theaterzentrum Bochum); Oval Office Spatial Design (2022, Bochum Theater); Meine Knochen schlagen die Trommel Spatial Design (2022, Salon KUH, Düsseldorf); Exhibition: Sichuan Good People (2020, Düsseldorf Academy of Fine Arts); " Shifting Perspective" (2019 , Japanisches Palais, Dresden).
Stage design representative works: drama Wu Zongyue (2022, Experimental Theatre, Chengdu University of Technology);  Yang Angong (2021, Chongqing Grand Theatre);  Against the Wind (2018, Wuhou Theatre, Chengdu);  Chig Alu (2017, Guiyang Grand Theatre); Go (2016, Xinsheng Theatre, Chengdu)


廖小舟1995年出生于四川成都,本科毕业于中央戏剧学院舞台设计专业,现就读于读德国杜塞尔多夫艺术学院,师从欧洲著名舞台设计师Lena Newton。拥有文工团成长背景的他从来都不将自己定义为典型的舞台设计师,他总是在自己的舞台作品中结合日常性与政治性进行文本的解构,热衷于通过不同媒介来表达自己对于当代空间的理解以及对于新自由主义的批判。廖小舟在留德期间活跃地参与着剧院幕后的创作工作,并在今年斩获了德国波鸿剧院Oval Office空间设计竞赛头奖;在2022年他被北京UCCA评为"年度新锐艺术家",并荣获"最佳创意奖"。

其留德期间作品包括:等待戈多(2023,Folkwang 剧场); Oval Office 空间设计(2022,波鸿剧院);Meine Knochen schlagen die Trommel空间设计(2022,Salon KUH,杜塞尔多夫);

展览:新锐艺术家计划(2022, UCCA Lab);四川好人(2020,杜塞尔多夫美院年展);“Shifting Perspective”(2019 ,Japanisches Palais,德累斯顿);

舞台设计代表作品:话剧 邬宗岳(2022,成都理工大学实验剧场);话剧 杨闇公(2021,重庆大剧院);话剧 逆风(2018,成都武侯剧场);舞剧 支格阿鲁(2017 贵阳大剧院);话剧 走吧(2016,成都新生剧场)。

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